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Giving at CBC

Every single dollar stewarded at CBC is strategically deployed to advance God's mission here and around the world. Each month we recognize and support a particular Gospel Mission, which are listed below. So let us all prayerfully consider how we might continue to invest in these missions with our hearts and God's possessions.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 

2 Corinthians 9:7


The Gideons International

A local, national & international organization that distributes Bibles hand-to-hand & in large quantities to students, prisoners, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels & motels, etc.


West Japan Mission Inc.

Missionary Stella Cox, sharing the Gospel for over 30 years in Japan
& planting ~100 Gospel churches in a largely unchurched area.



CareNet RI

Ministering to the needs of mothers in RI with Godly counsel, medical & physical support in the battle to save innocent lives.



New Missions

–the DeTellis family planting Christian churches & schools in the Dominican
Republic & Haiti. Supplying Bibles, food, clothing & the Gospel to needy people.


CMA Cambodia

Missionary pastor Bunoy Kes & his family sharing the Gospel & encouraging christian churches & pastors in Cambodia.



African Pastoral Training

Christian college professor Mat Pelletier, his wife Amy & their
four children working together to raise up indigenous pastors in Southern Africa under SATS.


Sojourn Collegiate Ministry/RI

Working with various college & university students within the
state of RI. Sharing the Gospel in loving & creative ways.



Providence Rescue Mission

Homeless shelter sharing the Gospel in daily services: including
preaching, music, & providing food, clothing, & sleeping accommodations for the needy in RI.


INSTE RI Prison Ministry

Gideon Charlie Burns coordinates the facilitation of Bible Study
courses & curriculum at the ACI’s in Cranston, RI from INSTE Bible School.




World Vision

Reaches out to young children around the world with life saving truth from God’s Word & practical daily necessities & schooling.



The Fortress

Safe home for children in Swaziland Africa who have been abandoned in the AIDs crisis or suffered abuses are receiving Christian counsel & round the clock care & support.


Teen Challenge

Providence Women’s Home & Men’s ministry in Brockton, MA providing
Christian counsel, physical assistance & housing to break the cycle of various addictions.



Advance the Gospel in RI & southern MA. working to unite Christian pastors, churches & ministries in our region through prayer & Christian outreach ministries.

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